Jenny Andrus
Vice President/Co-founder
Child safety was not always my primary concern. As a young mother, I remember strapping my infants into their car seats, thinking I was following all the right steps, only to find the car seat tipping on the corners or the straps getting so tangled that I couldn't secure the belt properly. Even well-intentioned parents can sometimes lack the knowledge on the correct procedures.
As my family grew and I had more children of my own, I began to realize the immense significance of each of my children, as well as the welfare of all children. The pivotal moment when I recognized that I needed to do more to protect children came when I received the heart-wrenching news that a four-year-old boy I used to babysit had tragically lost his life in a preventable accident at home. I was devastated and tormented by the thought of how I could have made a difference in that situation. I yearned for more time and opportunities to create a positive impact, which led me to redirect my focus towards children.
Driven by my dedication to safeguarding children, I pursued a bachelor's degree in Marriage and Family Studies at BYUI. I engaged in performing forensic interviews for children under the age of 12, became an instructor for car seat technicians, and worked with the State of Idaho to assist youth with disabilities in their quest for employment and careers.
My involvement in Child Passenger Safety began in 2015 when I worked with the Rexburg Police Department. I started as a technician, conducting seat checks for concerned and perplexed parents, and later became an instructor, educating law enforcement personnel, medical staff, and firefighters on how to ensure proper fit and use of car seats.
Child safety encompasses far more than just correctly using car seats. We are surrounded by potential hazards. Our mission at Little Defenders is to provide education to parents, caregivers, daycares, schools, and first responders, aiming to minimize these risks. As adults, we are the first line of defense in ensuring children's safety, as they are unable to do it on their own.