Little Defenders Objectives:
The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:
To provide instructions on car seat safety, pedestrian and bicycle safety.
To provide facilities, equipment, and trainings for car seat technicians.
To provide opportunities for community engagement, spread information, and awareness to public.
To sponsor, host, and participate in events and activities that promote the safety of children.
To host seat check sites and provide car seats to in-need families.

Donations go to the education, prevention, and safety of children.
Little Defenders is a registered 501 (c) (3), donations are tax deductible.
Your support helps us to spread awareness across local communities

Want to become a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician? Contact us to get enrolled in a class and donate time to seat checks.

Little Defenders is an organization that provides awareness and education to the community for the overall protection of children.